
Autocomplete is a way for your command to suggest values for an option. The autocomplete= kwarg can be used for int, float, and str types.

async def autocomplete_response(
    ctx: crescent.AutocompleteContext, option: hikari.AutocompleteInteractionOption
) -> Sequence[tuple[str | int | float, str]]:
    return [("Some Option", "1234")]

class class_example:
    result = crescent.option(str, "Respond to the message", autocomplete=autocomplete_response)

    async def callback(self, ctx: crescent.Context) -> None:
        await ctx.respond(self.result, ephemeral=True)

Options can also be accessed inside the callback. The ctx.options dictionary contains snowflakes or values for all the options a user has already filled out. The ctx.fetch_values function converts the snowflakes in this dictionary to the correct type and returns it. If you bot object is hikari.impl.CacheAware these values are fetched from the cache. Otherwise, they need to be fetched from a REST endpoint.

async def fetch_autocomplete_options(
    ctx: crescent.AutocompleteContext, option: hikari.AutocompleteInteractionOption
) -> Sequence[tuple[str, str]]:
    # An option dict where discord objects are all snowflakes.
    options = ctx.options

    # Return options with snowflakes converted into the option types.
    options = await ctx.fetch_options()

    # Return no options.
    return []