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Error Handling#

The only thing exceptional is your code never throwing exceptions. Crescent provides error handling features for commands, events, and autocomplete to solve this problem.

Error handles can be registered for a specific exception. Creating a custom exception type for when things are supposed to go wrong gives you a lot of control over your program.

This error will be handled with the @crescent.catch_command decorator. This function takes an exception and crescent.Context as an argument. All subclasses of the exception will be caught.

# Creating a new error class gives more control over what errors are handled.
class MyError(Exception):

async def my_command(ctx: crescent.Context, number: int):
  # Lets raise an error if the number wasn't positive.
  if number < 0:
    raise MyError
  await ctx.reply(str(number))

# Handle the error
# The name of this function does not matter.
async def on_cmd_my_error(exc: MyError, ctx: crescent.Context) -> None:
    await ctx.respond(f"{exc} raised in {ctx.command}!")

Event and autocomplete error handling works similar to command error handling.

async def on_event_random_error(exc: MyError, event: hikari.Event) -> None:
    # In this example, we don't respond to the event if something went wrong.
    print(f"{exc} raised in {event}!")

async def on_autocomplete_random_error(
    exc: MyError,
    ctx: crescent.AutocompleteContext,
    inter: hikari.AutocompleteInteractionOption,
) -> None:
    print(f"{exc} raised in autocomplete for {ctx.command}!")

Note that error handling can catch errors from other plugins. If you want to catch an error specific to a plugin the best method to do this is creating a new exception type, only referenced in that plugin.

Handling All Exceptions#

A global error handler can be created by catch Exception.

async def global_error_handler(exc: Exception, ctx: crescent.Context):
    await ctx.respond("handled")

The same method can be used with event error handlers and autocomplete error handlers.